Dirt Happens! (A Lot!)
Cotons have hair, not fur, which makes them on of the softest dogs you’ll ever have the chance to pet. They are ‘snuggly soft’ and one of several hypoallergenic breeds. A trait that is important if you are a family, like ours, with lots of allergies. They do not shed and if kept with a short coat are one of the easiest dogs to own.
Although many people choose to keep their Coton clipped short, for ease of grooming, there is no denying the beauty of a long coated Coton. They seem to float over the ground, a white tumbleweed following their owners about. However, choosing this coat length is no small undertaking, especially given the mischievous nature of these sweet little dogs.
For such a little package, they sure can find a lot of dirt!! So have your groomer listed under your emergency contacts. Keeping a Coton white, even when they have a dash of color, is a battle not easily won, but it is always worth it!
Although we here at Catawba Cotons are obviously biased, there is nothing quite as striking as a long coated Coton. We have owned numerous dog breeds and none have been as elegantly breathtaking as the long or short haired Coton. Their spitfire personalities shine as bright as their coats!!!